
Indian Queen Of Roman Crown

Looking for a strong female character? Check. Eyeing for love ,conspiracy and action? Check. Want to see two great cultures of history ? Check. Want to know about story of an Indian princess and great prince of Florence who was a widower? If it's a yes , then peep inside to see what secrets it beholds. Here , blood is not thicker than water. People will even go to hell if it's about the crown and power. Craving of being a ruler surpasses every height. Conspiracy, betrayal and what not just to win Rome. Amidst of it, beautiful relations would also blossom. Dive deep into the story to find what it has to offer.

    To say Aurelius was shocked, would be an understatement. He thought that it was just his mood. He didn’t think that Augustus was attracted to Rithambara because after the death of Valentina, he was never interested in courting a woman. Atticus told many times to hin to marry again and give Justus a mother but he always declined. He didn’t want to marry.  After the guests took their seat,  Maharaj spoke to King Atticus – “ My friend, you live in different part of the world so we meet once or twice in a decade. I know, you have everything with you in your life but I politely request you to take anything from Chittaurgarh as token of memories from my side. It would always remind you that you have a friend on other part of the world. King Atticus smiled hearing this. He said, “Chose your words wisely dear friend because I want something which you can never gift to me.”  Maharaj Vikram Singh Rajput stood from his throne and said, “I’m a rajput, we never back down from our promise. Even if you want my head at this moment, I would willingly give it to you, without any hesitation. “  King Atticus said, “ Then as token of remembrance of this great soil, I want your daughter to marry my son Augustus. “  Now, even the translater was hesitant to translate and tell this to Vikram Singh Rajput but Rithambara understood each word and her anger knew no bounds.




